Swenson Premieres His One Man Improv Show,
PREACH!, at Tampa Fringe Festival

An evening of Improvised Inappropriate Sermons
The Tampa International Fringe Festival hosts
the world premiere of Scott Swenson’s one man comedy show, PREACH!
An Evening of Improvised Sermons. As an ordained minister
(thanks to the internet and a check for twenty bucks) Scott
will take audiences “to church” like never before. Every topic
will be suggested by the audience and a wheel-o-fate will decide
the order. Nothing is off limits. (#NoTopicTaboo) This means
that every single performance will be unique and quite possibly
offensive. Swenson will perform sermons, create impromptu “members
of the congregation” and even “Hymn-porvise” a musical number
in each show.
“I have performed with many improv teams before,” says Swenson
who studied with Chicago’s Second City and is a founding member
of Tampa’s own WIT Improv, “but this is the first time I’ve
done a whole solo show. It’s challenging, its exciting…and its
terrifying! I can’t wait.”

Don’t miss Scott’s twisted take on the world issues
of your choosing in the only show that answers the question,
“What happens when a minister, an improv comic and a flaming
liberal walk into a bar (or theatre)?”
Thursday, May 2 at 10:00 PM
Saturday, May 4 at 8:45 PM
Sunday, May 5 at 6:00 PM
Friday, May 10 at 8:00 PM
Saturday, May 11 at 5:45 PM
Tickets: $13 including the $3 Festival fee
Tickets may also be on sale at the door, based
on availability
Purchase Tickets here:
(Additional online ticketing fees may apply)
Venue is located at: HCC REHERSAL HALL, 1411 E 11th Ave,
Tampa, FL 33605 (Directions
& Map)
For more information on PREACH! visit