Gardens Howl-O-Scream - 20 years XX of Fear

Select Nights through November 2, 2019
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Bay Gay was invited to Howl-O-Scream at Busch
Gardens Tampa Bay to visit this year's 20th Anniversary
of Fear. I am pleased to bring a recap of our night. I have
to admit, it has been a few years since I have visited Howl-O-Scream.
I specifically remember the last time that I went I was really
impressed. I will tell you this time is no different. This entire
event is an Original Creation. It is cool to step into a haunted
house you are familiar with the story but it is even scarier
when you do not have a clue what you are really going up against
inside the houses. Two sentence summaries are just a small sample
of the terror they bring. #HowlOScream
Here are some additional considerations when planning your trip.
We did not have the FRONT OF THE LINE PASS and that lead
to us not being able to do everything. The optional, FRONT LINE
FEAR passes start at $35.00, getting you front of the line at
the houses and the rides (additional discounts too). If you
are looking for a little more they also have VIP Tours, Fright
Feast (dinner package), pre-event Happy Hour (5-7:30p Cheetah
Hunt Plaza), and event themed liquor tastings at three different
Since this is the 20th Anniversary, Howl-O-Scream has incorporated
some of the BEST OF THE BEST. I am going to break this down
into five groups: Houses, Scare Zones, Shows, Rides/Attractions
and Merchandise/Stores. Let us get started.
are six total houses; all houses are original themes, meaning
they are not re-creations based off a movie or a television
show. I am going to name my two favorite, with one Honorable
Mention, the rest just go in line with my preference. The Busch
Gardens atmosphere at night really sets the perfect mood for
this type of entertainment. It's almost disorienting when it's
dark. Please note: one house is not really better than another;
it just depends on the theme you are going after. Plan your
night as you dare, be hopeful you survive.

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- NEW - The Residence- This takes the number one spot only
because it is NEW and deserves everyone's visit. We all have
friends and neighbors that paint a pretty perfect picture on
the outside, well no different than the Clark family. Everything
in their family is perfect, until you step inside!
2 - Death Water Bayou: Wrath of the Queen- I really enjoy
haunted houses with water themes. The darkness of the dampness
always ads that extra splash of fear and unknowing. This one
is no different. The Queen has set the stage in her swamp. You
should probably turn back; the mustiness in the air verifies
you are not alone anymore. Voodoo magic works in many ways.
Head the warnings her revenge is coming.
3 - Insomnia: Patients Revenge- (Honorable Mention) I
really liked this house too. When I stepped in I almost wondered
if this was a true hospital. The reason you no one gets any
sleep in this place is because of the terrifying studies they
are doing on their patients. I think the staff realizes their
time is up. I did enjoy this house and would suggest you get
to this one if you have to cut any out.

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-Motel Hell: Infestation- I will warn you first; if you
are creeped out by bugs and crawling things on the dark you
may want to skip this one. I HATE cockroaches and you may see
just a few of those. The extermination company is there trying
to clean up but the insects are thriving and the deathly gasses
start taking over. It is time to leave, if you can.
5- The Black Spot: Blood Shed-We are no strangers to
Pirates here in Tampa Bay but this house bares the mark of death.
As I stated before I really enjoy this type of theme. The colors,
house design work, and the creators are spot on. Once you are
marked with your black spot run for your life, literally.
Simon's Slaughterhouse- This house is amazing in the way
it looks. This was our longest wait for the night about 35 minutes
or so. Have you ever wondered what herding cattle would be like?
The line que explains it all. As you walk up in single file
and walk your way past the handlers you learn your fate. Enter
if you dare, let the slaughter begin.
There are 9 Scare Zones so pretty much the entire park. All
of Busch Gardens is transformed. There are very few area where
there are not any scares. They really have utilized and maximized
their space to bring every walking step something new and terrifying.
I am just going to do a small recap of the zones.

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NEW -First Fear- Welcome to Howl-O-Scream before you
even enter the main gate you walk off the tram and right into
the first zone. Over 20 years of frights and scares and they
start with a little reminder of some on the Frist Fears. This
is the last chance to turn around before heading inside, maybe
just a last chance...
NEW- Little Nightmares-This is the Zone that really got
me good, it is dark and creepily quiet in this scare zone. I
am not going to give out any details but keep your eye and ears
open. Creatures and fears from your younger days are lurking
in every corner. Someone is at the door, can you get it? Just
do not respond with "I'll be right back…"
NEW- Carpe Noctem- You are going to hear hissing and
cries for help as you cross though a Vampire ridden scare zone.
The stage is set in the "Romanian Cemetery". While you are there
also step over to the Graveyard where you can take a picture
inside a coffin or if you're brave enough take on the challenge.
Step right up, you will see.
Camp D.O.A- S'mores anyone? The narrow walkways really
bring the fear closer to you. Tents are set up, just watch out
for what may be hiding in plain sight.
Hell on Wheels- This is an Industrial scare zone, demolished
cars and creatures that do not take kind to people visiting.
Be careful to not get attacked by any zombies or street crawlers.

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Day of the Dead/Dia De Los Muertos- Another great spot
for photos, just mind the tombs. If you like bright colors and
festive Mexican music step right up. There is #HOWLOSCREAM wall
of NEON Sculls that is must do photo stop. Not too scary for
a Celebration of Death.
Maniac Midway- "Get your tickets from the lady in the
booth", they said. The whole midway has been taken over and
the Maniacs have broken free. Are these workers or blood hungry
crazies? Be sure to visit the GAMES OF sKILL where you can try
your hand at some games, I mean LOSE your hand. Blood
Thirsty? Stop by the CARNIBar for a disgusting specialty drink.
Do not have too much fun; you will never know who has been stalking
you this whole tie and waiting for your attempted exit.
Deadly Toys- Some of the dolls here are not pretty or
friendly. A smile is not always a welcoming greeting. I saw
a few people trying to pass by without anyone noticing them
however right around the corner was sweet revenge from this
beautiful ceramic death doll with her eyes focused them, chasing
them right out of the area.
Meat Market- It is open and read to feed. Slabs of meat
and disaster cover this scare zone. Stay in your lane as you
walk through the Marketplace on your way to the slaughter house.
Get ready for some intense charred meat, perfect opportunity
to take some pictures. Step right up the gates are open.

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Friends (Stanleyville Theater)- Unfortunately we did
not get a chance to see any of the performances. There are about
three performances each night however was in line for a ride
or a house around the time of each show. I did have some friends
say that they watched and LOVED the show. I am told that the
show Nurses set this up perfect for Halloween.
Most of the rides are open during Howl-O-Scream but not the
water rides, and I will note it is such a cool experience to
ride some of these at night. My favorite is the Cheetah Chase;
there are certain points where you are completely in the dark,
SPOOKY in itself.
Animals and the exhibits areas are closed because they are sleeping.

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Food and Drink specials all night long throughout the park,
great menu items including things like a Mac n' Cheese station,
SPICE Cream (Ice cream including a scorpion), Morgue-A-Rita
just to name a few.
SHOP OF HORRORS - Here is where you can get your official
merchandise at the Premier Haunted Gift Shop towards the entrance
by guest services. Stop in and see all the cool Halloween products
and bring something home for you to remember the night.
Busch Gardens and the Howl-O-Scream crew really
have the lead in Original Houses and Scares. The feeling
that you are no longer in theme park repeats with each house.
The distortions of personal space, extreme high and low lighting
and the scare actors are top notch. The event runs through November
2, 2019. We would definitely suggest you check out Tampa
Bay's largest Halloween Fright, Howl-O-Scream at Busch Gardens.
We have some additional pictures and during Halloween week,
we will be posing all of our images to INSTAGRAM
(@RealTampaBayGay) so be sure to follow us there.
-Dave Borman, Writer (events@tampabaygay.com)
More info and tickets please visit: http://www.howloscream.com