get your dose of TRU T, Sundays at 12 noon with your host Tyler
Butler, Co-Host Amy DeMilo, Special Guests: Psychic Marilyn
EB King, Wesley Ray Jensen, & Nijel Walker!
TRU T (Sunday, May 17, 2020)
sponsored by Due Amici Ybor
clubs to nurses scrubs... come get your cup of some hot TRU
T with host Tyler Butler, Amy DeMilo, psychic Marilyn EB King,
and special guest Wesley Ray Jensen, & Braeden Walker Video
sponsored by Due Amici Ybor.
Promotional partner Tampa Bay Gay Mentions: Quench Lounge, Harp,
St Pete Pride Wrightway Emgergency Services, Tangra Night Club
Don’t miss it, we will he spilling the tea, stirring the pot,
and licking the spoon!
Promotional Partner Tampa Bay Gay
Faceook Page:

#tampa #ybor #spillthetea #amydemilo #countmein #winning #tpa
#trut #wecaremovement#showtime #gay #gaytopics #gaytime #entertainment
#getsometea #teatime