8:00pm Tuesday, October 6, 2020
on your radio and hide.
Called “a geeky cultural gem” by CBC, WELCOME TO NIGHT VALE
is a twice-monthly podcast in the style of community updates
for the small desert town of Night Vale, featuring local weather,
news, announcements from the Sheriff's Secret Police, mysterious
lights in the night sky, dark hooded figures with unknowable
powers, and cultural events. Or, as The New York Times
put it, “With its uncanny blend of the macabre and the mundane,
the news out of Night Vale sounds like what might occur if Stephen
King or David Lynch was a guest producer at your local public
radio station.”
Bringing the podcast to life on Tampa Theatre’s historic stage,
the WELCOME TO NIGHT VALE tour is written by Joseph Fink and
Jeffrey Cranor and narrated by Cecil Baldwin, with live music
by Disparition, and special musical guest Erin McKeown.
“Our live show is a completely stand-alone story that can be
enjoyed by long-time fans and newcomers alike,” the Night Vale
folks say.
This performance is presented in partnership with the Tampa
Theatre and the Night
Vale Podcast.
Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Time: 8:00pm
Tickets: $28.50-$39.50, plus applicable fees.
Purchase Tickets Here: https://tampatheatre.ticketforce.com/ordertickets.asp?p=3855&src=eventperformances
Location: Tampa Theatre, 711 North Franklin Street, Tampa,
FL 33602 (Directions
& Map)

info on TIGLFF, October 2-10, 2020 visit: https://tiglff.com