8th Annual Fringe Festival !

The 8th Annual Tampa International Fringe Festival
June 5- June 16, 2024in Ybor City.
Tampa's indie performing arts festival is back for 2024!
This year we have 111 shows across 12 days for
you to choose from! Everything from theatre to sketch comedy,
stand-up to dance, kids shows to storytelling, there's something
for everyone!
All venues this year will be in the Kress Contemporary
in YBOR! 1624 E 7th Ave, between 16th & 17th
Streets. Which means, rain or shine, you don't have to deal
with the elements once you arrive.
Shows range between 30 min - 60 min each, as usual. Learn more
about the shows at our FREE preview nights - June
5th & June 12th in our new West Annex venue.
Visit our website,
where show listings and tickets go on sale by MAY 5th,
one month before the big festival.
Presented with the support of the Hillsborough County Board
of County Commissioners, as well as the State Division
of Arts and Culture, and the Gobioff Foundation.
WHAT: The 8th Annual Tampa International Fringe Festival
WHEN: June 5 - June 16, 2024 (FREE Preview June 5 &
June 12)
Tickets: Individual - $12.00 to $18.00 per show
3 & 5 Packs - Save 15% on 3 and 20% on 5
Eliminator Pass - $225.00 (Includes All Shows)
Purchase/Select Tickets:
Historic Kress Building - 1624 E 7th Ave, Tampa, FL 33605
Purchase Buttons & Merch: