Family Collective Event

to the LGBTQ community and our allies
a fundraising trivia experience for Found Family Collective!
Master Andy is back at it! The theme of Trivia is FINDING
NEMO ...bring your knowledge and come fight for the top
The top team wins $40 Cash, the second place wins a $20
Kalesia GC and the third place will win a Kaleisia GC
for $10, donated by Kaleisia!
Date & Time: Tuesday, July 23, 2024 from 5-7pm
FREE Event
Location: Kaleisia Tea Lounge, 1441 E Fletcher
Ave. #101, Tampa, FL 33612 (Directions/Map)
ACCESSIBILITY: Our goal is to make this event as accessible
as possible. If there is anything we can do to ensure you and
your party can participate as your fullest self, in the safest,
most accessible way, please send an email to
When possible and practical, we'll work to make appropriate
SAFETY: Our core values are Self-determination, Honesty,
Anti-oppression, Restorative justice, Empathy. It is our goal
to provide the safest spaces possible, however, there are no
100% safe spaces. By attending our event, you agree to uphold
the core values to the best of your ability. You also agree
to honor the consent and boundaries of the individual's in the
space, and you agree to honor the norms and agreements collectively
consented to in the space. When possible, we will utilize restorative
justice to restore safety and consent back in the space, however,
any individual who intentionally, recklessly, or continuously
dishonors any of these agreements/values may be asked to disengage
from the event.